Bilder banker

på din dØr

Galleri format, Oslo


– 05.03.2023

The work shown is fabricated on the MultiWeave tool created by Kadi Pajupuu, professor at Pallas University of Applied Sciences. Read more about the tool HERE

Curator: Kari Skippervold

Four woven textile sculptures placed in a turquoise gallery space with grey concrete floor.
Pink woven paperyarn sculpture on a gray concrete floor surrounded by visitors feet.
Blue and brown woven textile sculpture, placed on a gray concrete floor.
Exhibition view Bilder banker på din dør
Woven paperyarn sculpture "Curl" in pink and white. Placed on a gray concrete floor.
woven sculpture in green, pink and white paper and flax yarn.
Visitors of a vernissage standing around and watching a the white and pink sculpture "Curl" by Emilia Elfvik.
Yellow woven sculpture in paper yarn made 2023 by Emilia Elfvik.